Aug 26Liked by Mike Baggaley

I really don't see how any club is benefitting from getting more money from Sky. If each team in League 2 gets an extra £300,000 in revenue, all that happens is it pushes player wages up by the same amount across the league. This only benefits the players, at the expense of fans.

Perhaps if clubs had used the extra money to reduce match day tickets or provide free away travel I would feel different, but it feels like the Football League is selling its soul just like the Premier League.

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Cheers Matthew. It's a fair point but I'm not sure how you get around the problem of any extra money only pushing up wages. Maybe a salary cap but I can't see the PFA standing for that.

That's nothing against the players. After all, it's a short career and I reckon 99% of professionals have worked extremely hard to get to this level, overcoming setbacks along the way. Good luck to them if they can get good money. Sorry, I started off by answering your question and then wandered off topic a bit!

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It's total fantasy but I do wonder what football in the 2020s would look like without live television? Back to the 70s and 80s.

Dave Powell makes a good point about the TV companies' need for content, any content. If we're honest, who really cares about Port Vale v Doncaster other than Vale fans, the majority of whom will be in Vale Park, and Donny fans, whose hardcore will travel to the game, as we would if the fixture were reversed? Plus those who find watching at home the easier option and - worse of all - those fans of either side who would have gone to a 3pm kick-off but now can't because it's been moved for television. How many genuine neutrals will be tuning in at Saturday lunchtime? Very few I imagine. If Donny were playing Crewe, say, I wouldn't be watching.

I think there's a strong case that season ticket holders unable to attend a game that's moved for television (not other postponements etc) should be refunded the cost of the match.

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They could stipulate that 50% of the new £300k must be spent on the stadiums, not wages, so improving grounds in lower leagues, and some really need improving.

It would also be simple to administer

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Aug 26Liked by Mike Baggaley

How can anyone on the 02 network order on click and collect when no signal in the ground ,not sure about other networks

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Cheers Graham, I didn't know that. Not ideal! I doubt Matt is expecting everyone to sign up for click and collect but I suppose if the club can get more people using that system it will help with queues. To be fair to Matt, the way he answered questions was very much talking about what the club can do better rather than putting all the onus on supporters.

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Aug 26Liked by Mike Baggaley

I am always impressed with the way Phil Sproson analyses a game. None of the ‘I couldn’t expect any more from my players’ nonsense you get after games from some Managers. He looks at where there were strengths and weaknesses and how problems can be solved. Pity he is not on the Vale coaching staff.

Eddie J

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Cheers Eddie. Completely agree about Phil Sproson. Actually, Radio Stoke have some very good Vale summarisers, including Adam Yates and Meg Baldwin. I usually sit close to Phil Bowers in the press box so enjoy listening to him and his summariser.

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Aug 26Liked by Mike Baggaley

Would recommend anyone to sign up to this. Always a great read.

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Thanks Matthew, that's much appreciated.

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Aug 27Liked by Mike Baggaley

Darren Moore came out and gave a calm and appropriate post match question and answer session. But his hand movements portrayed a deep frustration and likely great annoyance at the second half collapse. He has got time to resolve issues before Saturday. Will he. No pressure, this football management lark is simples isn't it!

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The term " clean sheet" should be abolished. Darren Moore uses it too much and sets his teams up with that in mind, making them too defensive putting a fear of going forward into players minds. We now have the players to attack teams, playing wingers and two strikers. It may be old fashioned but is entertaining and by and large is effective

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£300000 would have been the equivalent of 2000 season passes on PVTV.

I think we would have easily sold that if the efl clubs had instead voted to remove the 3pm curfew.

It may have had a slight impact on matchday attendences but I think most people who go to the game would go regardless of whether they can watch it at home or not.

The national league have gone for a deal where you subscribe to the whole league.

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Ultimately, accepting the deal is a big two fingers to match-going supporters who like the tradition of 3pm kickoffs. Even if the money compensates the shortfall in attendance (and that's debatable), what about the inconvenience to home and away fans ? What about the spectacle of the game, the atmosphere being killed by early kickoffs? I've got a season ticket but I won't be attending games with these stupid kick off times.

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10 games down the line, judging his abilities by then will be fair, fact is the jury is still out, at present he rates poor.

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I use the click and collect and did so against Tranmere, but what I ordered and paid for was not there when I went to collect. Surely it needs to be put aside else what’s the point?

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Excellent analysis by Phil Sproson yet again. It was extremely frustrating losing 4-0 knowing there was very little in it up to half time. The way we capitulated was very disappointing and we cannot persist with one up front. What I did notice behind the goal at full time was probably the first signs of discontent with Darren Moore’s management. He really needs to nip this in the bud with a couple of decent performances.

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Yes Ian. Goodwill can quickly disappear and Darren had his honeymoon period last season. There was disappointment he could not save us but we did have a poor squad without fit and effective strikers. It doesn’t take long for things to turn sour and for people to start calling for the Manager’s head. I am always one for giving a Manager time and in no way would I join in any hint of rising clamour. A couple of wins would change the mood.

Eddie J

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Like you, Eddie, I want to give Moore time but his recent record, not just with Vale but Huddersfield too, is concerning. Many of the new players have come to Vale because of him, the question is whether he can fashion a winning team out of them.

We've a tricky run ahead - home games against sides who've made better starts than us, and away to Newport, where we haven't won since they returned to the league, and Accy, scene of far too many Vale disasters.

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